The Presidents Take On The Impossible Quiz 2 -

The Presidents Take On The Impossible Quiz 2

Presidential Fellas
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Disclaimer: All voices used in this video are AI generated. This is in no way an attempted impersonation of the presidents, it is a simple parody.

Joe, Donald and Barack have once again come to face the legendary journey which is the Impossible Quiz but this time it has a two on the end!!! Can Joe’s freakish natural affinities for the quiz keep the team afloat or will they crash and burn multiple times? Find out next time on Dra- in this video!

Hey guys. I’m still tired. Sorry. Not proper details tonight. Slowly working down the clock though. Hopefully over the next few days my uploads will come earlier and I’ll be less exhausted.

I hope you enjoyed the video. Feel free to like, comment and subscribe (if you want) and have an amazing day 🙂