The Impossible Quiz Speedrun in 3m 57s 667ms (former world record) -

The Impossible Quiz Speedrun in 3m 57s 667ms (former world record)

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(New world record: )

Ok so this is kind of a surprising new record since i had like a 3 month break after my 3:58 and after grinding for only a few days i got this run haha

This is also the epic 10% world record which is very nice to have again ๐Ÿ˜€

For the actual run, the Q1-33 split wasn’t amazing but was good enough, and the 33-67 split was really good which put me slightly ahead of my old record. The worst split by far in this run was the 67-91 split which i almost lost an entire second on mainly due to a messy Q83 and a very mediocre 91.

For the 91-100 split, I actually found a nice technique to save a few tenths of a second on 92 but didn’t do it that well on this run, and barely saved time in this split (which is to be expected because barely any inputs are even done here).

The main reason for this record was my epic 10. Q101 and 102 were both really good and saved me an entire second, and i also used a small timesave to make 106 slightly faster which loses a life, but was worth doing since I had one to spare anyway. My 108 was decent but since the 108 on the last record i had was really good i ended up being 0.1 seconds slower than my previous record, but because of my 109 and 110 both being incredibly fast i saved a whole 800ms and got the record by quite a lot, breaking into the next second barrier ๐Ÿ˜€

I would also like to give a special thanks to Luke Saward for making an autosplitter for this game, which makes speedrunning this a lot more fun and is also one of the main reasons I started running again ๐Ÿ™‚

As for future runs, I will probably continue to play this quite a lot as I still want to get a 3:56 run, so stay tuned for that ๐Ÿ˜€