The Impossible Quiz Complete Walkthrough
1. Four
2. No, but a tin can
3. K.O
4. “the answer”
5. Right click and go to the other circle
6. Shallots
7. An elephant
8. Self explanatory ¯_(ツ)_/¯
9. That one (top right)
10. The teeth
11. n
12. Dot on the “i”
13. F’TAANG!!!
14. Torch
15. Horse
16. H
17. 17, click the question number
18. Hammer Time
19. Blue-Orange-Green-Green-Yellow (BOGGY)
20. Seal
21. Top left
22. +1 skip
23. Bran
24. Click the V in Lives
25. Shoe polish
26. Arsefacey
?. Go to 28
28. Abundance
29. Egg mayonaise
30. Right click and go to the other circle
31. Woof. Woof. Woof.
32. Babycham and human faeces
33. 7
34. Move your mouse off screen
35. Wait for the green button
36. A walk
37. Any one of the answers
38. Mary Rose
39. Cylindrical Adventures
40. Right click and go over “the bridge”
41. Afro
42. Its the 42’nd 42
43. Tom Cruise
44. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Self explanatory
45. Top right
46. OMGF u kills sonikku u bastud
47. Search
49. Splapp-me-do
50. O.K.
51. Click over and over again
52. 3rd one from the left
53. …But pa might not
54. No, about 20cm off the ground
55. A games console for wholemeal biscuits
56. Blue, red, blue, yellow
57. Erm… One?
58. Shepherd’s pie
59. Click on Shoop Da Whoop repeatedly
61. Thumbs up
62. Click the moSS (it’s a lisp)
63. Tasteless white filth
64. Bottom Right
65. Click the “largest”
66. Click the “!” at the end of the world. (that’s the pun)
67. A big hairy arsonist
68. Stroke the cat.
69. Lol, 69
70. Using its anus
71. Click the green
72. Towards the left
73. ? (Top right)
74. No one knows that. (But it’s actually 110)
75. Put your cursor just under the question number.
76. Sugar, Honey, Honey
77. Question 77
78. Four
79. Click on the “U” in the word “you”
80. Filthy Romanians.
81. Stroke the pole.
82. Clip all of the toenails
83. National Dyslexic Association
84. Collect the skips and touch the shooting star, but don’t touch the meteors.
85. I loved it!
86. The prince
87 Click next to the question number
88. Click his leg repeatedly
89. Blindness
90. Nonce
91. Follow the tear.
92. Click the heads in this order, 6, 1, 4, 8, 5, 2, 7, 9, 3.
93. Drag the bomb away
94. Don’t do anything
95. Move your cursor off screen then click the button
96. A right mess!
97. 10+! (Even if you haven’t had to restart)
98. The words blue, red, blue, yellow in that order
99. Wait until the bomb is on 1 and the light is green, then click the sign
100. Two
101. C-H-I-H-U-A-H-U-A
102. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Just do it
103. Click the red square thing
104. The picture on the bottom right
105. Use the letter B in gooseberry, the letter A in apple, and the 2nd letter N in nectarine to spell out the word banana.
106. Click regularly (left click) and hold it so you can go anywhere
107. Mouse over “Fine” but DON’T click anything
108. Type in 4 8 15 16 23 42 with spaces in between each number.
109. Click until it poops out the arrow
110. Use your skips ¯_(ツ)_/¯